Maxence Jauberty

During the year 2023/2024, I have worked with on a research project on the topic of quantum information theory. The project was supervised by Olivier Rioul and Julien Béguinot. Here is a temporary version of the project :
Latice-based Approximate and Robust Majorization
Here is some of my lab sessions. I have implemented some algorithms in algebra and cryptography. Here is the list of subject (more information in the lecture notes available in the github repository) :
  • Lab 1 : Introduction to SageMath
  • Lab 2 : Linear algebra on principal ring
  • Lab 3 : Euclidean lattices
  • Lab 4 : Partial factorisation of univariate polynomials on a finite field
  • Lab 5 : Complete factorisation of univariate polynomials
  • Lab 6 : Grobner basis and multivariate polynomial systems
  • Lab 7 : Some applications of Grobner basis
  • Lab 8 : Integer primality
  • Lab 9 : Similarity invariants and LFSR
  • Lab 10 : Algebraic codes
  • Lab 11 : Lattice-based cryptography and cryptanalysis
  • Lab 12 : Elliptic curves
  • Lab 13 : Discrete logarithm and pairings